The third and final instalment of the 2023 Palm + Pyranha Park Jam tour the final weekend saw the team visiting Parmhole, Dublin and Castleconnell, Limerick. Check out our wrap up video of the whole tour:

Parmhole, Dublin

Levels in Ireland were high due to recent storms and the play feature next to the Canoe Centre was too flushed out to make the most of. This didn’t matter though as we were greeted by a team of local kayakers who showed us the fun lines down the Liffey river.

The Canoe Centre set shuttle for us and the boys introduced us to a series of awesome weirs and waves. Many party surfs were had and flat water tricks thrown during the float back to the centre. The set up in Dublin was incredible. As soon as we got off the water we were met with drinks, pizzas and a BBQ to warm us up.

Castleconnell, Limerick

Sunday’s event featured a combination of flat water and a small section to river run, play and session laps on. Palm team paddler David McClure has been putting in a huge effort in recent years to develop junior freestyle in Ireland and it really showed this weekend when the kids were doing the craziest, most complex flat water freestyle tricks we’ve ever seen!

The river run was a sweet kilometre section that featured some wave trains to surf in a half slice or macho move in a playboat. We even found a small hole under the bridge that was perfect for loops, Space Godzillas and McNasties. Once everyone had done enough laps to be satisfied with their day, we headed over to the local town hall to hand out prizes and watch videos.

This was our first time visiting Ireland for the Park Jam series and we loved it! The Irish kayaking scene is a truly special community and we loved being a part of it. Thank you for having us and hopefully see you next year!