
Oslo, Norway.

Where did you last paddle?

The outer Oslo fjord in snow and force 5 winds. It´s an interesting combination. Reduced visibility and keeping the group together became a real issue.

What are your best paddling memories?

Paddling the exposed west coast of Lofoten for the first time was an unforgettable experience. The tall mountains, tidal currents and huge beaches really made my jaw drop several times a day. At the time that trip was on the edge of my comfort zone, which really made me feel alive, enthusiastic and excited.

Where should everybody go paddling once?

Paddling in deep fjords is a unique experience. In Norway there are narrow fjords with steep mountains going higher than 1,000 metres. In a sea kayak you have to tilt your head upwards to view the steep cliffs. The fjords are usually very calm, so anyone who can paddle can also experience this unique landscape.

What else do you like to do when you’re not out paddling?

I enjoy hiking, wild camping, trail running and cross country skiing. I am a big fan of learning new outdoor skills such as low trace activity and bushcraft. Practice makes perfect as they say.

What’s your best advice for other paddlers?

Time on the water is key. However, time on the water well within your comfort zone will not lead to you learning and developing as a paddler. To quote Bruce Lee: ‘There are no limits, there are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them’. I think what he is saying here is that we need test the limits of our comfort zone once in a while in order to expand it. The trick is doing that without getting hurt.

What are your favourite bits of kit?

I really like the Extrem PFD. It´s great for sea kayakers who want maximum mobility when surfing or rockhopping. Also I can fit a repair and first aid kit in the pockets.

Where is left on your list of places to go?

At the moment I am looking at mountain hiking in Corsica. Probably not the GR20 route, but a shorter one. A little closer to home I am planning to ski across the Hardanger mountain plateau. I am also aiming to paddling to the Vadero Islands on the west coast of Sweden.

What are you most looking forward to in 2017?

I am really looking forward to guiding a group in Lofoten this summer. We will paddle a remote coastline, fish, wild camp and hike in the mountains. There are so few people where we are going, so the feeling of freedom is intense. The midnight sun does not hurt either!